
Ever wish you could become one of those rare morning people? The ones that wake with a start, feeling refreshed and energized. The ones that get in that morning workout or wrap up some work before many of us even hit the snooze button for the first time. Here are five tips to help you achieve that early bird status!

  1. Create a morning schedule. Physically write down the things you’d like to complete in the morning and set a time for each. Then stick with it. Once you force yourself out of bed early one or two weeks consistently, you’ll find it gets easier and easier to do.
  2. Let the light in. Whether natural or artificial, light tells your brain its time to get up and get going. If your room lacks large windows where you can open the blinds up, consider investing in a timed lamp or alarm clock with a light.
  3. Prep and eat breakfast. Although there are many of us who chose the skip breakfast, it is key to perking up your energy in the morning. Try prepping protein-focused meals the night before or grab a yogurt or fruit and try to consume it right after you wake.
  4. Get your body moving. Whether it’s a short walk around your neighborhood or a rigorous 5:30 am spin class, getting your blood pumping will help wake up your body and has a ton of other benefits, like stress and anxiety reduction.
  5. Feed your mind. Stimulate your brain and do something you enjoy first thing in the morning. Try reading a favorite book, catching up on the news, doing daily meditation, or setting intentions.
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Helena MT Real Estate FB Group.

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Here's a Facebook page  that serves as a great resource!

Townsend MT Facebook group.

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Here's a Facebook group that serves as a great resource!

Philipsburg Drummond Hall Real Estate.

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The team at Most Wanted Real Estate sells homes and land in the greater Helena Montana area, including Helena, East Helena, Montana City, Jefferson City, Clancy, Boulder, Basin, Winston, Townsend, Canyon Ferry, Toston, Radersburg, Canyon Creek, Marysville, Lincoln, Fletcher Pass, Craig, Wolf Creek, Holter Lake, Hauser Lake, Lake Helena, and more. We specialize in homes, vacant land, ranchettes, businesses, investment properties, commercial buildings, and multi-family. We have over 50 years combined experience in selling real estate in Montana. We have extensive experience with first time home buyers and most types of loans. We are familiar with many different financing options. Call Most Wanted Real Estate today to see how we can help you find your piece of Montana. (406) 422-3708

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